Okay, tomorrow is the day. Hahaha. Sempat lagi ketawa. Haih, mesti semua pun tau kan besok keluar result SPM 2010. Aww, takut ne :/ hihi :D tapi nda pa. Relaks jak. Huhu. Start ambik result jam 10 pagi kan? Betul ka? Urm, maybe aku p sekolah awal lah ne. Jam 9.30. Mau stay2 lagi dengan kawan. Lama nda jumpa woo. Rinduuuuuuuuuuu :'( Aku rindu BGFF aku and my classmates. Rindu kenakalan time di sekolah. Okay lah juga dapat jumpa besokkan? Lepas juga rindu dengan dorang semua. Huhu. Then kami ramai2 gerak p sekolah ambik result. Wah, 1 geng p serbu sekolah balik. Hahaha. Then lepas ambik result maybe kami terus jalan p KK. Spending our time together. Yaikss, sempat lagi jalan2. Hahaha. Santai bah. Hiks ~ Aku nda sabar tunggu besok. Lama sudah aku menunggu keputusan aku. And InsyaAllah aku dapat sambung belajar dan pilihan aku of course UITM . Heee :P Okay lah, last word from me to all SPM candidates batch 1993 and especially my friends goodluck for tomorrow guys! Whatever your result is, don't be sad but be happy. I wish we all will be success in our future ♥ Love , Bibiy :)
" There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle "
" There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle "
ya2 gud lux k =)
good luck , akak!
wishing all the best with the result.hihi
@Marquis Faizal
tengs k :)
hihi ;p tengs .
ok, no problem! :D
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